The General Statement of Policy

The greatest responsibility for everyone at Ignite Services is to see that the work we undertake is carried out safely, responsibly and without injury or illness. Accountability for health and safety rests with Tim Williams who is the responsible officer.

Policy Objectives

The aim of this policy is to ensure that all employees are safe from injuries and risks to health while they are at work. In particular, this policy aims to ensure that:

  • We continually improve our safe working environment and ensure that safe systems of work are provided and maintained.
  • Machinery, equipment and substances are provided and maintained in a safe condition.
  • Employees are provided with the information, instruction, training and supervision needed to ensure their health and safety.


Health and Safety is an integral part of the management of the organisation and ranks equally with all other activities. We all share the responsibility to ensure we continually improve our performance. 

Responsible Officer - The responsible officer ensures:

  • Effective implementation of the health and safety program.
  • Adequate consultation with employees regarding health and safety.
  • All specific policies are implemented and kept up-to-date.
  • That agreed procedures for consultation with employees are followed.
  • New employees receive induction training in health and safety.
  • Employees receive relevant training prior to commencing new work practices or using new equipment.
  • The supervising of employees sufficiently to ensure their health and safety is maintained.

Employees - Employees are responsible for:

  • Immediately reporting any accidents to the Responsible Officer.
  • Following health and safety procedures.
  • Using safety equipment provided.
  • Ensuring their own and others health and safety is not affected by the consumption of alcohol or drugs.
  • Reporting any safety hazards to supervisors and or management.
  • Not interfering with, removing or displacing any safety guards, safety devices or protective equipment without prior consent.


This company is committed to ongoing consultation and cooperation between management and employees on health and safety issues.

Contractors / Visitors / Volunteers / Work Experience Students etc

Persons not being employees are required to:

  • Abide by all company safety rules.
  • Comply with health and safety related instructions.
  • To follow advice and directives issued by company staff.

Policy Implementation:

This policy is to be implemented through:

  • Specific plans, work practices and procedures.
  • Addressing hazards and hazardous work processes.
  • Emphasis on manual handling, fire safety, hazardous substances and the like.